No Complex System, Forever Free Plan, Simple but Advance Features
Best Free HR Management system for Small and Medium Enterprises.
The most time-consuming process becomes very easy & quick with SImpleHRM. You need a stress-free solution that is accurate, fully baked and very secure
The most time-consuming process becomes very easy & quick with SImpleHRM. You need a stress-free solution that is accurate, fully baked and very secure
The attendance management system handles all aspects with simplicity and efficiency. You experience bliss when attendance, leaves, and payroll are seamlessly integrated.
HR Manager can easily find the data of the employee with just a few clicks.
Our HRM software gives you all the necessary tools to build, manage, and motivate your employees. From onboarding and attendance management to time tracking and appraisals, we’ve got it all covered.
Simplhrm is very good for managing Employee details, for calculating their attendance, leave, payroll and bonuses accordingly. We are very much satisfied with SimplHRM Software.
It is easy for our employees to navigate. It is very easy for us to keep a record of each employee. Must recommend for medium size of business.
Prior to that things were not easy and SimplHRM Software has made an enormous change in overall HR processes. We can access any data in a few seconds. It increases the HR department’s efficiency and saves a lot of time. Overall experience with the software is good and the entire team is co-operative.
I personally feel that Simplhrm software very cost-effective and user-friendly, I find Simplehrm support service also very good Software is very effective that’s why I will recommend it to other companies.
Now monitoring employee activities and managing payroll is no longer a headache. With the help of SimplHRM, you are able to simplify your human resource department and focus more on developing your business.
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Simpl HRM is an HR Management solution designed to make common tasks faster and your life easier.
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